Masquigon Integrative Behavioral Health | Muskegon
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Acknowledging the Whole Person

Comprehensive Psychological Assessment, 

Applied Behavior Analysis,

Parent Coaching,

Integrative Therapy (including EMDR)

& School Consultation


Maybe you are trying all the strategies you can find.


Often, it can be beneficial to have a supportive ear to listen to our needs, hold us accountable, and provide an alternative strategy when we feel "stuck in a rut" or as though we are repeating our actions, mistakes, and experiences.


Maybe it feels like you can't catch a break.

It is hard to break the cycle of negativity and stress in our lives, especially when we don't have the luxury of taking a break to heal. Breaking cycles requires personal insight, the ability to think about what others are thinking, and the ability to set small achievable goals -- but who has time for all that? Finding a therapist can help you learn and be accountable for using the skills. 

Or perhaps you are a parent who is concerned about your child.

Finding mutual understanding and support can be difficult. As an adult, it is tough to find someone who understands how hard it is to keep up with the demands of adulthood while healing from our past and current experiences. Adding the responsibility of parenting is often even more isolating, and it can feel frustrating to watch our children and ourselves struggle with emotions and behaviors despite our best efforts.

Our clinicians specialize in comprehensive psychological assessmentApplied Behavior Analysis, parent coachingintegrative therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR), Sexual and Gender Diverse Support, and school consultations. Masquigon Integrative Behavioral Health strives to address your needs while considering your current level of skills, personal background, and neurological strengths as they pertain to your culture. 

Parent Coaching

Parenting is hard. We are not given instructions or a FAQ to reference when we have children. Children aren't born with the ability to regulate their emotional experiences, follow directions, organize, or care for themselves. These skills must be taught, making parenting all the more confusing and overwhelming

Children who struggle to regulate their emotions are often...

  • Overwhelmed

  • Off-task

  • Excluded socially

  • Stigmatized

Parent coaching is an individualized, collaborative process that supports parents in building their child's skills to increase their child's quality of life while repairing their relationship with their child.​ 


Sometimes we can try our best to address our symptoms but continue to experience distress. We may feel stuck and unsure of how we got to where we are and where to go from here. 

Psychological assessment investigates the origin of your symptoms, areas for growth, neurological influences, and environmental factors. At the end of the assessment process, a diagnosis is provided, and you will better understand how your brain works best and what supports you may benefit from. 

Psychological assessment may include assessments for 

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

  • Learning Disabilities

  • Cognitive Impairments

  • Neurological Differences

  • Autism

  • Personality Disorders

  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

  • Bipolar

.... and many more

School Consultation

The school system can be confusing. Navigating the resources available, special education laws, and school and family dynamics while continuing to monitor the student is tiring. Often, the process of supporting a student is exhaustive for both the school and the family. 

School consultation services involve a collaborative process between the school, parent, and clinician. The clinician removes the burden of assessment, evaluation, and conceptualization from the school as they work hand in hand with all providers. At the end of the process, the provider, school, and family meet to work collaboratively to identify the student's strengths as they apply to the school and home settings. Ultimately the school decides the support necessary for the student to achieve at school from the information acquired throughout the consultation process. 


Both children and adults can feel stuck, as though others do not understand their experiences or they uniquely see the world. It may feel as if the same themes of life continue to happen to us, and we can't catch a break. Sometimes, we interpret the actions of others as judgemental or even intentionally harmful. Our threat responses keep us from breaking free of these cycles and achieving our full potential. 

Acquiring an alternative perspective from an individual seeing these interactions from the outside can be beneficial. A mutual understanding of how your unique experiences have shaped the way you view the world is essential for developing an individualized approach to supporting you. Masquigon Integrative Behavioral Health offers an individualized and integrative approach pulling from various treatment methods, including Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy, to help you break free of your old cycles, present authentically and achieve your full potential.  



If you feel that we meet your needs, schedule an appointment below! 


Contact Us


Complete the contact form below, and we'll reach out to you as soon as possible. 

(616) 287-0913

Please allow at least three business days to receive a response. 

Talk to you soon!

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